LAS Honour Roll Inductees
Inclusion on the Honour Roll is awarded to long term members of the Launceston Art Society who have made a major contribution to the success of the society.
The criteria for Honour Roll Inductees are
Five year committee member or part Office Bearer or representative on another committee representing Launceston Art Society
Involved in community service for Launceston Art Society and/or continual support and dedicated contributions to Launceston Art Society activities
Innovative, inspirational ideas to further the aims of Launceston Art Society
The following people have been inducted to the LAS Honour Roll. Read their stories here.

Rosemary Jack
Treasurer for approximately eight years
Attended many workshops
Exhibits in and supports LAS exhibitions
Community Service with the aged at Aldersgate over a continuous period of approximately seven years
Community Service ongoing at Norwood Peacehaven

Philippa Hirst
Committee member for approximately seven years
Excursions co-ordinator on Committee
Vice President 1 or 2 years
Exhibits and supports LAS exhibitions
Attends numerous workshops
Community Service at Glenara Lakes for many years
Led Eskleigh Painters group for four years
Organised LAS library at Eskleigh
Encourages young artists by donating prizes from her own funds for many years at two separate exhibitions
Painting hung in 'The Glover' brings prestige to LAS
Catarina Cabalzar
Committee member for approximately thirty years
Painting Group organiser at Scout Hall for twenty plus years with Muriel Osborne
Exhibitor and supporter of LAS exhibitions
Took on task of searching for a permanent home for LAS early in 2000
Reliable and willing volunteer for LAS events, activities and commitments

Lois Lacey
Committee member for six plus years (non-continuous)
LAS social function organiser with another member
Willing and reliable volunteer for many LAS jobs and commitments
Attends workshops
Exhibits and supports LAS exhibitions
Community Service at Glenara Lakes for many years
'Artists in Schools' programme for several years working with students
Betty Taylor
Betty Taylor was a long-serving Secretary in the 1970's (possibly also 60's), replaced by Beth Faulkner about 1980. During this time the LAS essentially had just two or three exhibitions a year - the Annual Exhibition which was held at QVMAG and Spring and perhaps Autumn exhibitions which were held at various venues until the LAS had Ritchies Mill from the late 1970's (it opened as an Arts Centre late 1977). Betty took minutes of meetings, dealt with correspondence, kept membership lists, sent out news of exhibitions with entry forms and largely manned the exhibitions, sent out invitations and produced catalogues, recorded entries and sales and was responsible for handing monies and details to the Treasurer. She was retired and probably in her seventies. Betty was survived by her sister, who also died (probably late 1980's). Betty helped Barbara Chapman with information for the QVMAG booklet "The Launceston Art Society in Retrospect 1891-1983" which contains a good deal of historic information. This was produced about the time the QVMAG changed its policies and no longer made a room available for the LAS Annual Exhibition, despite numerous approaches and support from our then Patron, The Hon Don Wing, Mayor of Launceston.

Aileen Gough
Member for eight years
Provides floral arrangements for exhibitions
Provides catering for functions
Reliable supporter of exhibitions with her artwork
Assists with Art Therapy at Eskleigh
Responsible for Art Therapy roster
Taught 'Art in Schools' as part of Meandering
Assists when required with Art Therapy at Glenara
George Green
George studied Art as a subject in high school and was the only one in Tasmania who was accredited by the Schools Board of Tasmania. Later, George saw an advertisement for watercolour classes under the tuition of Rosemary Mastnak at her studio at Traveller’s Rest. So without hesitation he joined up with Northern Watercolourists. He was usually the first to arrive with easel and paint at the ready. He is still a part of that group today, though now dwindling as Rosemary lives today in Hobart. Some of his work has been sent overseas. One in particular, a sunset, he sent to India, but never came back! George was the Treasurer for over 13 years. He committed to keeping us all on track and offer advice on any investment to be made. Each year he presented the financial records to the auditor in a highly professional manner.
To sum George up:
Conservative in a very good way
A source of knowledge on meeting procedures as well as Treasurer
Very energetic, always early
Organised, systematic, approaching his painting in the same way.

Lynne Hutchins
Lynne has been a member of the LAS since 2004 and has served on the Committee for a number of years
Lynne has also been the assistant curator to Carlene Bullock for the past ten years, transporting paintings for many other artists who were unable to deliver or collect work for various reasons. This has at times taken Lynne and Carlene as far afield as Hobart, Burnie and Deloraine.

Don Wing MLC
Long serving Patron of LAS until 2004
Great supporter of LAS functions/exhibitions & speaker
Supported LAS artists by purchasing paintings
Greg & Gill Waddle
Gill was a long time LAS member
Both were great supporters of LAS for decades
Greg ran free workshops at times and encouraged LAS artists
Gill provides workshop accommodation for LAS at very affordable rates which is accompanied by 'over and above the call of duty' service (especially the delicious morning & afternoon teas)
Gill also provides excellent and convenient accommodation for LAS visiting tutors

Harvey Cuthill OBE
​LAS Patron from 2008 until 2014
Attends major LAS exhibition openings, acting as MC & speaker at times
Supports LAS artists by purchasing paintings and encouraging business partners to also buy artworks
Sponsor for many years, along with other Capital Chemist proprietors, of a major LAS exhibition, the Holy Trinity exhibition this includes prizes and the Capital Chemist calendar to promote LAS artists
Willingly gives LAS benefit of his business experience and suggests ways to boost LAS profile in the community plus increasing sales of paintings/cards etc.
Made efforts for LAS to gain support in a business-arts partnership

Chester Bullock
​20 years support of the Launceston Art Society
Manufacture of display screens
Delivery and collection of display screens
Financial sponsorship of Holy Trinity Exhibition
Financial sponsorship of Meandering
Financial sponsorship of Triple A Exhibition
Meander Valley Council
At the Meandering Exhibition 2016, the Meander Valley Council was presented with a framed certificate announcing their inclusion on the LAS Honour Roll.
President, Carolyn Riley, presented the certificate to Mayor, Craig Perkins, in recognition of their ten year's association with the LAS. The Meander Valley Council has sponsored the Meandering Exhibition since 2007.