Date approved: September 2022 Review Date: September 2024
1. Purpose
The Launceston Art Society Inc (LAS) Code of Conduct Handbook (CCH) aims to
clearly state LAS expectations of its members’ behaviour
provide a standard of conduct that is appropriate and acceptable to all members.
provide all members with a guide to their rights and responsibilities
2. Scope
The Code covers members’ rights and responsibilities, conduct of all LAS members in the LAS work place and the conduct of the LAS Committee.
The Code also outlines grievance procedures and refers in brief to the initial steps towards Conflict Resolution. (The Conflict Resolution Policy and Procedures (CRPP) is a separate, comprehensive document. It addresses the appeal process, and consequences of repeated transgressions of the Code.)
Every LAS member has a right to:
feel welcome and safe in all circumstances pertaining to LAS.
be treated fairly and with respect.
express views, ideas or suggestions without fear of ridicule or denigration.
have their achievements valued, recognised and acknowledged.
learn, teach and volunteer.
participate as a member of the well-respected and reputable LAS.
Every LAS member has a responsibility to:
make other members and visitors feel welcome and safe.
respect the right of other members to express views, ideas and suggestions.
value, recognise and acknowledge achievements of other members.
conduct themselves in a manner which enhances the reputation of LAS.
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comply with LAS appropriate policies.
leave the kitchen and work room clean and tidy, clean up your own mess and
wash, dry and put away your own dishes.
perform allocated tasks on agreed rosters such as cleaning and sitting during
ridicule or denigrate other members’ views, ideas or suggestions.
express discriminatory views.
engage in bullying in any form.
behave in a rude or aggressive manner, verbally or physically, towards other
bring alcohol to or consume alcohol at LAS premises, except on social occasions
authorised by the Committee.
bring illicit substances to or consume illicit drugs at LAS events.
commit LAS to expenditure without following the correct approval procedures.
make decisions that should rightfully be made by the LAS Executive, the LAS
Committee, an individual or any other group of people designated by the Committee to make those decisions.
In addition to general members’ responsibilities, all committee members will maintain proper and respectful meeting decorum by refraining from:
interrupting each other.
talking at the same time as another speaker.
participating in ‘aside conversations’ during meeting proceedings.
unnecessary, distracting or disruptive actions.
All committee members will:
• consider the views of other Committee members thoughtfully, challenge them
respectfully and offer feedback constructively.
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maintain confidentiality on any personal, private or commercial information that may come before the Committee.
disclose any potential conflict of interest in any issue or decision making that may come before the Committee.
communicate openly with all LAS members and raise any problems or concerns at committee meetings.
act fairly and ethically in managing all affairs of LAS.
Workshop Code of Conduct
(In addition to the protocols specific to individual workshops and provided by the Workshop Coordinator)
Participants in LAS workshops will:-
follow any instructions given by the Workshop Coordinator or Tutor.
listen to the tutor and others without interrupting.
work in a manner that protects the safety, health and well-being of all participants
in the workshop.
work in a considerate manner, being mindful of shared work spaces.
at the end of the day, clean up own work space.
Contravening the Code of Conduct
Should conflict arise between members, it is the responsibility of the complainant to try to resolve the conflict by negotiation with the offending member.
Steps to be taken:-
the complainant should make direct contact with the alleged offending member, verbally or in writing and an attempt to resolve the conflict should be made in a respectful manner by both parties.
a resolution should encompass agreed, positive outcomes.
if discussion between the two parties does not yield a satisfactory outcome, the
complainant can decide if the matter is worth pursuing.
if the complainant decides that it is not, it is the complainant’s responsibility to
either put aside the complaint or withdraw his/her LAS membership.
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• if the matter is of sufficient importance to the complainant, then that member pursues the guidelines as laid out in the Conflict Resolution Policy.
The Code of Conduct Handbook (CCH) is a policy document to be reviewed by the Committee, bi-annually or as required in the interim. It does not require Constitutional amendment.
The CCH will be available on the LAS website, thereby enabling access to financial members.
All current members will be advised of the CCH and sent the link to the document by email.
Access to the CCH for non-IT members will be available in hardcopy and will be mailed to a member’s postal address on request.
On application for new membership, the link to the CCH will be included in each new member’s ‘letter of acknowledgement’ sent out by the Membership Officer.
Carolyn Riley (Vice President) Shirley Pitt
Gerry Jensen
Mary Stary
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